
1 Those who trust in the LORD Are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but remains forever. 2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem, So the LORD surrounds His people From this time and forever.

Psalm 125:1-2

The first thing to do when you are in a battle of worry, anxiety or fear is know that your fight is not a fight for a solution but for affection. The enemy wants to move your eyes from the person of Jesus to a trust in a solution, If I have a sickness in my body the way I receive healing is not by looking for healing it is by looking at Jesus. People get healed when Jesus becomes bigger in their eyes than their sickness. Trust is the determining factor in our fight against worry and fear. The world celebrates and encourages self sufficiency. Culture instills in us from a young age that getting the right answer is what grades you in life. I have seen so many times that someone who is going through a battle is so worried that they don’t have the answer. They don’t have the right solution to overcome their battle. You are not looking for an answer . You are looking for Him. It never changes regardless of the size of your problem. Those who trust in the Lord CANNOT be moved. It is an impossibility for those whose eyes are fixed on Him to be moved. Never let the enemy shake you with his roar. For the only voice that can shake mountains is the Father’s. Trust is your victory.

Jeremy Klepal